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When we are not engaged with Worship Service, or Ministry Events, we are able to raise much-needed funds
by renting out our facility for parties, retreats, seminars, and other events.
Who goes to Global Harvest FellowshipYou will encounter a diverse biblical community of people seeking to love Jesus and serve their city as we think Jesus would. On a practical level, some who are attending Global Harvest are simply asking questions about Jesus and Christianity for the first time, while others have given their lives away in a local church for much of their lives. GHF members stretch across the spectrum of ages and backgrounds. Everyone is welcome.
What if I'm not used to going to church?You are the reason we started Global Harvest Fellowship. GHF is a safe place to ask questions and a comfortable place for those curious about Jesus Christ. It is ok if you are wrestling with questions. This is a place for you to learn and apply what the Bible teaches.
What will Global Harvest Fellowship worship services be like?Global Harvest Fellowship has always been a place where we keep it very simple. It’s relaxed but focused, simple and authentic. We design our worship services to be a place for people to meet with God. Here’s what you can expect during a typical worship gathering: Prayer One of our greatest privileges as followers of Jesus is being able to pray directly to God. As we start our morning services, we typically spend a few minutes praying. If you feel comfortable praying over your family, you can. If there are issues that you would like one our leaders to pray over, we would be honored to serve you in that way. Singing During the gathering, our worship team will lead us in a number of songs. Our worship leaders seek to balance new, original music with some of the great hymns of our faith. As we sing, the focus is on Jesus! So regardless of what you sound like, feel free to sing aloud with us. Teaching The Bible is God’s gift to mankind! It shows us everything we need for life and death. The Bible unwraps the story of God playing out in human history. Every week one of our pastors will teach straight from the Bible in a challenging and practical way. We encourage you to bring your Bible with you. If you do not have one, feel free to use (or take) one of ours. Giving If you are our guest, please feel no obligation to give anything financially. We just ask that you place the guest information card in the basket as it is passed.
What should I wear?At Global Harvest Fellowship, you’re welcome to wear whatever you’d like. There is no set dress code, feel free to wear whatever you are most comfortable in. Just be you.
What about my kids?Our children’s ministry is fantastic! Global Harvest Fellowship is a family-friendly environment. We believe that children are a blessing from God and are a vital part of every local church. Children from Pre-K to 5th grade go to our Junior Worship where they receive age-appropriate teaching from an amazing team of adults. The environment is clean and safe. Each adult teacher is qualified to engage your child. Students in the 6th grade and up are welcome to worship with us. We currently have 2 Worship Services on Sunday Our 1st Service is from 9:30AM-11AM (With Junior Worship) Our 2nd Service is from 11:30AM to 1PM (No Junior Worship) Our Junior Worship is only available during our First Service, 9:30AM-11AM, so we would recommend coming to that Worship Service if you have a child age 8-12, so they can attend Children's Worship with other kids their age. You can register for in-person worship service on our home page by clicking here.
Can I invite my friends?Absolutely! We seek to be a welcoming environment for people who are curious about Christianity and for those who are seeking to belong to a community of believers. Our Worship Service on Sunday starts at 10:30AM and ends at 12PM. We also have a Junior Worship (children ages 8-12) on Sunday which starts at 11:00AM-12PM. We recommend you join us for Worship Service upstairs and send your kids downstairs to join with other kids their age.
Do you have Online Church?Yes, we do! We LiveStream our services on Sundays, and our Worship Service gets posted for viewing after. You can watch our LiveStream and Worship Service on: Our website's homepage: On our YouTube Channel On our Facebok Page

65 West 15th Street,
Bayonne, New Jersey 07002

Sunday Worship Service: 10:30AM-12PM
Friday Youth Fellowship: 7PM - 10PM
Friday Bible Study: 8PM - 10PM

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