Couples Study Group
Meets every other Friday - (2024) 8/9, 8/23 & 9/6
Our Story
Our first meeting was February 17, 2024. It is our desire as couples who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ to continue and grow our faith in God through studying the Word of God which is the Bible as our sole authority and guide.
Sergio & Martha Tamayo | Louie & Lorena Colon
201-780-8673 201-725-6190
We value the Word of God as essential for the church. We believe that Scripture is sufficient and authoritative. We hold that the Bible is our guide and authority in everything. We are committed to the sufficiency of Scripture to save sinners, sanctify saints, and shape the church. We are devoted to expositional preaching and teaching and biblically-based evangelism, discipleship, and counseling. Scripture is sufficient to address any situation or circumstance, and by it with the help of the Holy Spirit, the Christian will receive wisdom, truth, and life.
(2 Peter 1:3, John 17:17, 1 Timothy 4:16, 2 Timothy 3:16-17,Psalm 19:7-8)